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I was never really into Superheroes from DC Comics, I was more of a Marvel guy where the X-Men and Avengers were. But when I watch Arrow, my perspective changed completely. I know for a fact that Marvel knows how to make superhero movies, but DC knows how to make a damn well bloody good TV Series. I am reviewing the entire Season One of Arrow. It begins mysteriously, building you up to the big revealation at the end of the series. It is a very intense show with so much conspiracies and secrets waiting to be brought into the light. With characters like Felicity and Diggle assembling the Arrow team, it makes the show even more interesting. So far it doesn't dwelve straight into the action, instead it is a slow and building up series whereas when they finally hit the top of the mountain, it really shows you something amazing and wanting more in the next Season.


9/10 - No offense to you lot out there but I do in fact support...Olicity

Arrow - Season One

The Island, directed by Michael Bay and released before his popular Transformer series. This movie really showed Michael Bay's skills and potential in my opinion even though he released Armageddon and The Rock before this Film. This movie on the other hand is also my favourite movie of all time, I don't know if it is because it has both my favourite actor and actress in it, Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson in case you missed it. But it has just the right amount of everything in my opinion, the right amount of action, adventure, science fiction and romance. This movie is practically about rich lads who pay for clones, in which in case they are in critical condition, their clones will provide them with the correct and same organs to survive. But through the years they would need to grow in a facility. But one clone gets too curious and figures out that the Island is fake and they are in a fake facility. The two main characters fight their way through an unknown world where they know absolutely nothing and in search of their original beings from which they are copied from and plan to tell the world of what has happened to them.


10/10 - Clones are cool. Deal with it.

The Island

Movies & TV Shows

This is where all my movies and tv show reviews will be posted. For TV Shows, I would have had to at least watched an entire season of a show in order to post a review.

Season Two of Arrow, new stories, new flashbacks, new enemies, new style. Oliver Queen has learnt why killing isn't the only way through Felicity and I am glad he is now forging into the Hero he was destined to be. When I heard Blood mention the Crucible, that was by far one of the most amazing quotes I've heard come out of this show.The finale was saddening for me, as a passenger on the OTP Olicity (don't diss), the ending was decietful to those who boarded with me. But I am hoping to see more in the next season. Watching Sara come back was definite WTF coming from me. But it's Arrow, expect a lot of WTFs to come around. Roy Harper was definitely an amazing addition to the show, the finale definitely presented the best side of him. The Hero he wanted to be to save his city. DC is heading in all the right directions when making TV Shows, Season Two of Arrow proves it in man yways.


9/10 - The New Season is amazing, the explanation is deep when it comes to Oliver, but Roy deserves more as well.

Arrow - Season Two
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