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Borderlands 2 is a FPS Adventure RPG Open World game of Mayhem. There is literally no way you can not have fun in this game. I have to admit, before I played this game, I disliked this game. Mainly for its graphics and seemingly non-linear storyline from an outside point of view. I thought this game was just a ridiculous game with tons of weapons with useless features. But hell was I wrong, a friend of mine bought this game for me on the Xbox 360, so I gave it a shot. A week passed by and I completed the game. This game was addicting and does not run out of fun and awesome things to do, which easily gets complimented by its open world environment. The Characters have "a lot" of character indeed, especially characters like "Moxxi" if you know what I mean. It doesn't have the depth and seriousness of Mass Effect but this serious is meant to have fun with, to laugh at, not to cry at and rage at. It was made for fun, literally, that is literally all it was made for, comidic open world mayhem with friends. 

I would definitely recommend this game for its gameplay and humor, 2K have definitely created something great to play with friends.


8.5/10 - Would get run over by the Moonshiner again.

Borderlands 2

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic was one of the first games I have ever played so I am quite attached to it. For a game made in it's time with the technology they had, they really took advatage of what they had and the product was amazing. BioWare continues to amaze me with their in-depth and deep storyline and characters that you could just fall in love with. The control you recieve when playing their game is so large, one thing leads to another and affecting one thing could affect something else, which is amazing, KOTOR is one of the first games to be able to do that. The graphics are rather incredible at the time and the gameplay is smooth. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic will continue to become one of my most favourite games of all time.

Graphics - 9/10
Gameplay - 9/10
Storyline - 10/10
Characters - 10/10
Uniqueness - 10/10

Personal Comments:
I honestly hope BioWare would come back and completely remake it and make Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Anniversary or something like that, like Bungie did with Halo: Combat Evolved. Steam and BioWare, please put steamworkshop for KOTOR as people need to see the mods people had come up with for this amazing game to make it even more amazing.

If you guys liked this game or feel this is the type of game for you, consider another game by the same guys, the Mass Effect Series, personally I love Mass Effect 2, it's my number one favourite game. They both share the deep story and incredible gameplay, it is overall inccredible, go check out.

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

Left 4 Dead 2, is by far, one of the best, cooperative games in the world. Personal Opinion of course. There are many ways to look at Left 4 Dead 2, but I am going to look at it for what it really is. One of the most ridiculously fun cooperative zombie killing video games I have ever seen and played for more than 300hrs online and offline. It being created and powered by the amazing Source engine, you can do so much with the game, addons and mods just make the game so much better, new maps and weapons created by the amazing steam community just keep this game going and I don't think it is going to stop. Buy this game if you are somebody. Do it. Now.


9/10 - Would shoot a witch with a pistol again.

Left 4 Dead 2


These are all the game reviews I have written. I have made a set of rules for making a review, I have to had at least spent more than 5 hours playing the game, unless of course it is a miniture time wasting game like Super Hexagon, then it would have to be at least an hour.

Mass Effect, a science fiction RPG with the deep and intense stories created by Bioware. I spent more than 50 hours on Mass Effect and I think I have the right to state that it is by far one of the most deep and well thought out Role Playing Game I have ever played (next to its sequel of course). I never played the first one until I finished the second one, which I will talk about after this. This Game utilizes its profound decision making system, whereas you control what you want your character to say, detemining the outcome of your story, it is this element that makes Bioware's games so incredible. Another amazing thing to point out is the characters, each character have so much "character" and depth in them you connect with them in some way, making each character you meet and recruit as memorable as the first. The storyline is just as amazing, the story has so much depth and you can never run out of detail. The world is massive with so much thought and detail, it is easy to write a story based off of Mass Effect (FanFiction) with the amount of detail it provides. There is so much to explore as well. Perhaps one of the best RPG games I have ever played in my entire life.


9/10 - Would let Kaiden die and shoot Wrex in the face again.

Mass Effect
Mass Effect 2

Counter Strike: Global Offensive takes the classic team deathmatch styles they have been running for a decade and now added better graphics and improved gameplay. You can easily notice the similarities with CS 1.6 and Source but Global Offensive is practically a prettier Counter Strike. It brings the original maps from 1.6 and Source and gives it a improves it with new models and graphics, giving an all familar map a different flavor. But with the constant operations being created for the Counter Strike community, it keeps the game interesting and the content flowing, and the distribution weapon skins to show off to your opponents and friends.


8/10 - Chickens are harder to kill than Terrorists

Counter Strike: Global Offensive

Dead Space 3 is one of the best third person games I have ever played, keeping the creepy and horrific atmosphere and giving it tons of action. But it does not live up to the amount of horror as it predessesors but it brings a lot of new content, for example, weapon crafting. This is what won me over, giving me control over what I want to use to kill Necromorphs with and going mad with it. There are hundreds of customizations you can put on your weapons and it changes the way you fight Necromorphs, making the whole experience seem more like a Third Person Shooter rather than a survival horror game. It is also fun as it bares host to a Co-op system, which is "almost" a drop-in drop-out system, you can only join when the other player is not in danger or reaches a checkpoint, either way it is a good way of playing cooperative. The graphics is amazing and the gameplay had improved lots from the 2nd Dead Space. Overall this game is definitely a success but not a kind of game which will leave a long lasting impact, but the series will stay as one of the best horror thrid person sci-fi shooters in history.


9/10 - Hammer Attack Speed at Max is ridiculously good, it's like a propellor. 

Dead Space 3

Skyrim is the longest ****ing game I have ever ****ing played in my entire ****ing life. This thing will take months to complete if you want to have fun and not spam the story missions all the time. It is ridiculously detailed and massive, and with the DLCs, you just get more shit to play with. You can build a home or buy it, steal a ride or buy it, Fus Roh Dah or This is Sparta. There way too much shit you can do in one game, once you start playing, you head in one of two ways, play for a few hours and just stop because you know it it too long, or play non-stop and get addicted off of it. You know you want to explore the land and to the side missions because they aren't small side missions like in Borderlands 2, they are big and some take a while to complete, sometimes longer than a story mission. I don't want to go on a rant but if you like Open World First Person RPGs, Bethesda knows how its done.


10/10 - MASTAPIECE. Would kill the king again.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
Assassins Creed: Brotherhood
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